Due North
Due North
or, Glimpses of Scandinavia and Russia
Mr. Ballou's previous travel-books have had an immense popular success, now repeated in this vivid record of his recent travels in Russia and Scandinavia. It contains attractive accounts of the Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian capitals, Copenhagen, Stockholm, and Christiania; chapters devoted to Bergen and Trondhjem; the Loffodens and Maelström; the North Cape and Midnight Sun; Lapland and Finland; St. Petersburg and Moscow; the Neva and Volga; Nijni-Novgorod; Warsaw and Russian Poland, etc.
Book Excerpt
art at once. What a wholesome appetite followed upon this pioneer excursion, when we entered at breakfast on a new series of observations while satisfying the vigorous calls of hunger, each course proving a novelty, and every dish a fresh voyage of gastronomic discovery!
Copenhagen was a large commercial port many centuries ago, and has several times been partially destroyed by war and conflagration. It has some two hundred and fifty thousand inhabitants, and is about six miles in circumference. The site of the city is so low as to render it necessary to protect it from the waters of the Baltic by artificial embankments. Like Amsterdam and Venice, it may be said to possess "remarkable water-privileges." We were told that the citizens were making earnest remonstrance as to the inefficient drainage of the city, which is believed to be the prime cause of a somewhat extraordinary percentage of mortality. In past times it has more than once been visited by the plague, which so late as 1711 caused the death
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