From an artistic point of view, the most perfect of Charlotte Brontë's stories. Practically an autobiography, it abounds with rich humour and keen analysis of character.
Book Excerpt
Bretton's side; a mug of milk stood before her, a morsel of bread filled her hand, which lay passive on the table-cloth: she was not eating.
"How we shall conciliate this little creature," said Mrs. Bretton to me, "I don't know: she tastes nothing, and by her looks, she has not slept."
I expressed my confidence in the effects of time and kindness.
"If she were to take a fancy to anybody in the house, she would soon settle; but not till then," replied Mrs. Bretton.
Some days elapsed, and it appeared she was not likely to take much of a fancy to anybody in the house. She was not exactly naughty or wilful: she was far from disobedient; but an object less conducive to comfort--to tranquillity even--than she presented, it was scarcely possible to have before one's eyes. She moped: no grown person could have performed that uncheering business better; no furrowed face of adult exile, longing
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Almost as brilliant as Jane Eyre and far more engaging at the beginning. The plot is brilliant, but nothing when compared to the complex characters.
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The story of Lucy Snowe and her life. Another one of Charlotte Bronte's literary gems.
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