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Consequences by Egerton Castle





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"It is a real pleasure to welcome a new novelist who shows both promise and performance. . . . The work is distinguished by verve, by close and wide observation of the ways and cities of many men, by touches of a reflection which is neither shallow nor charged with the trappings and suits of weightiness; and in many ways, not least in the striking end, it is decidedly original."--Saturday Review

Book Excerpt

d scot-free from the hazard of lead and steel, was changed in no way from the scatter-brain, dare-devil undergraduate, save perhaps by an increase of adventurous spirit, coupled with the fool-hardiness of one who had seen Death at close quarters, only to laugh in his face.

Andalusia in the spring of the year is, one may take it, a place where a young man of naturally warm, reckless fancy, and athletic temperament easily loses his Northern deliberation, to say the least of it. Now, the subaltern, delighted to have an opportunity of gratifying his love of adventure, resolved to spend his first leave in wandering about Southern Spain, then supposed to be the home of all that was romantic, beautiful and dangerous. And refusing all offers of companionship, he flung himself headlong into the arms of that fascinating land determined to enjoy to the uttermost all that it was capable of yielding to fall promptly, as do all who are blessed or cursed with poetic fancy, under its most indescribable charm.


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