Wide Courses

Wide Courses


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Wide Courses by James Brendan Connolly





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Wide Courses


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A series of rousing tales of adventure both on land and sea--but chiefly the latter--their scenes, ranging from among the ice of the arctic circle to the shimmering sands and blazing waters of the tropics. Mr. Connolly puts into his style the very feel fo teh sun and wind and sea-spray.

Book Excerpt

dy's benefit. He was particularly strong on folk-lore, and could dig up a few fat volumes any time on the folk-lore of any nation we had ever heard of. He liked to lie flat on the coffer-dam to read, with a row of tin letter-files under his head for a rest, the electric bulb and its shade so adjusted as to throw all the light on the page of his book. He had done a lot of reading and writing in his time, and his eyes were getting a little watery. If he had had his way he would have been an author. In the hours of many a night-watch he had tried his hand at little sketches; but somehow or other he could not catch on, he said. Perhaps if he had tried to write as he talked, tell the things just as they popped into his mind, he would have been luckier; but that wasn't literature, he said, and so most of his written things read like one of Daniel Webster's speeches. We could listen to him talking all night long; but when he brought out one of his manuscripts, it was good-night and hammocks for all hands.

Taps ha


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