A Noble Life

A Noble Life


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A Noble Life by Miss Mulock



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A Noble Life


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s a habit, long familiar to this good Presbyterian minister, who went in and out among his parishioners as their pastor and teacher, consoler and guide. Many a time, in many a cottage, had he knelt down, just as he did here, in the midst of deep affliction, and said a few simple words, as from children to a father--the Father of all men. And the beginning and end of his prayer was, now as always, the expression and experience of his own entire faith--"Thy will be done."

"But what ought we to do?" said the Edinburg writer, when, having quitted, not unmoved, the melancholy nursery, he led the way to the scarcely less dreary dining-room, where the two handsome, bright-looking portraits of the late earl and countess still smiled down from the wall --giving Mr. Cardross a start, and making him recall, as if the intervening six weeks had been all a dream, the last day he and Mr. Menteith dined together at that hospitable table. They stole a look at one another, but, with true Scotch reticence, neither exchan


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Ashley Manley - Beatifully Written, Heartfelt Story
FEATURED AUTHOR - Ashley Manley is the author of two stand alone novels: Every Beautiful Mile and When Wildflowers Bloom. Her stories weave the hardships of life with the hope (and a little spice) of love stories. When she's not hiding from her kids, you can find her outside on a trail or plotting her next big adventure. Find her on Instagram @ashleymanleywrites.  As our Author of the Day, she tells us all about her book, When Wildflowers Bloom.