The Power of Concentration

The Power of Concentration


(7 Reviews)
The Power of Concentration by Theron Q. Dumont







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The Power of Concentration


(7 Reviews)
It is of the utmost value to learn how toconcentrate. To make the greatest success of anything you must beable to concentrate your entire thought upon the idea you areworking on. The person that is able to concentrate utilizes allconstructive thoughts and shuts out all destructive ones. Thegreatest man would accomplish nothing if he lacked concentration.

Book Excerpt

suddenly changed and accomplished wonders. "I lost my opportunity," says one. That may be true, but by sheer force of will, we can find a way to bring us another opportunity. There is no truth in the saying that opportunity knocks at our door but once in a lifetime. The fact is, opportunity never seeks us; we must seek it. What usually turns out to be one man's opportunity, was another man's loss. In this day one man's brain is matched against another's. It is often the quickness of brain action that determines the result. One man thinks "I will do it," but while he procrastinates the other goes ahead and does the work. They both have the same opportunity. The one will complain of his lost chance. But it should teach him a lesson, and it will, if he is seeking the path that leads to success.

Many persons read good books, but say they do not get much good out of them. They do not realize that all any book or any lesson course can do is to awaken them to their possibilities; to stimulate them to use thei


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Excellent book. Simple, yet profound. I downloaded the audiobook and listen while I drive. I wish everyone would read this book; it will transform your life if you practice what is preaches! ;) The author comes off somewhat opinionated and quite certain about some of his methodologies, but in actuality, these are merely basic concepts we should all be doing. You can tell it was written a long time ago! Great stuff.
I love all his books,his way of writing is clear and bold.He shows tremendous energy in what he says.
knowledge and experience give such confidence.
great book this too.
Theron q Dumont, the Three Initiates, William Walker Atkinson, Yogi Ramacharaka one in the same brilliant mind offering concise, accessible and practical keys to overcoming the Human condition, a way to elevate from the hoi polloi and realise the true forgotten potential of the human mind...this should be part of the national curriculum. The power of positive belief and realisation can unlock the better you that chirps away behind the doubt sewn into our modern day psyche by watered down bland education and antiquated social hierachy.
If you are in search of that inner energy to shift your circumstances, by a significant magnitude, this is one of those books that can help you along the way. Highly recommended accompniment for Charles F Haanel's "Master Key System" and Napoleon Hill's "Thing and Grow Rich".

Not really sure why these "free" e-books are not more widely touted particularly for the younger generation, as they contain the cornerstones of the greatest innovations of modern times, from Electricity, to Flight and empires such as Bill Gates built in a relatively short time.

The most important part of this study is putting into practice the immutable Laws and having the courage and confidence to believe in your ability to succeed.
As an author myself I am almost finished with this book and love it. We all have that inner being inside of us that whispers "Your better than this life you lead at this present moment." That is our higher power! This book was written before the Secret, Before, How to win friends and influence people. Read the book! POWERFUL