The Revolutions of Time
The Revolutions of Time
Book Excerpt
ly. Feeling despondent, I turned and walked sullenly from the
lake's edge into the woodland once more, with no definite purpose in
mind, only a meandering thought of my dismal situation. My thoughts
morphed, in succession, from anxiety to despair, to anger, to
frustration, and in my frustration I knelt down and picked up a fallen
branch from the ground, walked to the nearest tree, and eyed a strange,
protruding knob that stuck out from the trunk. I held the branch at
shoulder's length and swung it at the knob with all the force of my
built up emotions. It hit with a crash and a hollow thud, leaving the
branch broken and my arm sore, but the knob undamaged.
But then something unexpected happened: with a grating noise, a small hole appeared part way up the trunk, coming from what looked to be solid wood, for no sign was seen before of its having an opening. From the newly opened hole was then thrust out a head, hairy and with a short snout-like edifice for a nose and mouth. Its eyes and the furry hair which
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Readers reviews
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Fun. Some interesting concepts of time and its life. I had a hard time with the eloquence of the characters involved. I would never expect the hero/antihero to be so well versed and philosophical when looking at his background. As a matter of fact all of the characters seemed to take on the same voice and style even though their respective viewpoints differed their dialog didn't. Almost as if the author had trouble become each unique individual and instead they all became the author. Still a great read!
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definitely a great book to read!
specially the concept of infinite time loops is interesting so is the writer's way of handling the sequance related to this time travel.
a great mix of science fiction and mythology
specially the concept of infinite time loops is interesting so is the writer's way of handling the sequance related to this time travel.
a great mix of science fiction and mythology
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