The Boy from Hollow Hut

The Boy from Hollow Hut
A Story of the Kentucky Mountains


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The Boy from Hollow Hut by Isla May Mullins





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The Boy from Hollow Hut
A Story of the Kentucky Mountains


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We first meet Steve as a typically shy and ignorant mountain boy to whom a book Is an unknown article and education a mysterious something unheard of before his chance meeting with Mr Polk, through whose generosity he is given a new chance in life. Steve's life in the mountain school, where he helps the other boys to better actions and ideas, is only the first step of many taken by him to better the lives of the ignorant poor about him. After a college course Steve returns to the mountains to take up his duties as head of the school where he was once a pupil. In the woods here Steve locates some valuable coal land, and when we last read of him education and strength of purpose have made the crude mountain boy into the far-seeing and finished Stephen Langly.

Book Excerpt

ts were gotten from the crossroads store ten miles away, skillets and pans, axes and hoes, which were made somewhere, and he supposed some time when some one of the community went to the store they'd find his watch there. But week after week went by till spring came on, and nobody went to the store. The mountain folk indeed had little need of stores. They spun and wove the cloth for their clothes, raised their corn, pigs, and tobacco, made their own "sweetin'," long and short, meaning sugar and molasses, and distilled their own whiskey. So the boy's heart grew heavy again with the long delay and he began to think bitterly that his father and not his mother was right, when one day a stranger whom he had never seen before drove up to the door.



"Howdye! Does airy feller named Stephen Langly live here?" said the stranger, reining in his tired, raw-boned steed without difficulty.

Mirandy went to the cabin door, stared a minute in surprise and then shook her hea


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