The House of a Thousand Candles

The House of a Thousand Candles


(19 Reviews)
The House of a Thousand Candles by Meredith Nicholson







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The House of a Thousand Candles


(19 Reviews)
A novel of romance and adventure, of love and valor, of mystery and hidden treasure. The hero is required to spend a whole year in the isolated house, which according to his grandfather's will shall then become his. If the terms of the will be violated the house goes to a young woman whom the will, furthermore, forbids him to marry. Nobody can guess the secret, and the whole plot moves along with an exciting zip.

Book Excerpt

rtune. Sister Theresa wheedled large sums out of him, and he spent, as you will see, a small fortune on the house at Annandale without finishing it. It wasn't a cheap proposition, and in its unfinished condition it is practically valueless. You must know that Mr. Glenarm gave away a great deal of money in his lifetime. Moreover, he established your father. You know what he left--it was not a small fortune as those things are reckoned."

I was restless under this recital. My father's estate had been of respectable size, and I had dissipated the whole of it. My conscience pricked me as I recalled an item of forty thousand dollars that I had spent--somewhat grandly--on an expedition that I led, with considerable satisfaction to myself, at least, through the Sudan. But Pickering's words amazed me.

"Let me understand you," I said, bending toward him. "My grandfather was supposed to be rich, and yet you tell me you find little property. Sister Theresa got money from him to help build a school. How much


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Profile picture for user berdi
reading this now and liking it very much. some aspects of the plot are predictable, but the somewhat old-fashioned language and the characters are charming. i like that the story is set in indiana also, since that is where i live. nicely written and the plot has some exciting twists and turns. there are a number of misspellings in the kindle version. not sure how they put the book into ebook formats, but there may be a few bugs with that method. all in all i hightly recommend this book.
Profile picture for user berdi
WOW! What a great book! I enjoyed every page of it! I'm about to put Nicholson's other books are on my reading list.
A delightful read that was well-written and quick-paced. The tale had just the right mixture of characters and circumstances, mystery and suspense, romance and skullduggery, to make for an enjoyable read. The only part that stretched credulity was the shootout in the library and why no one was seriously wounded or killed with all those bullets flying around. Other than that and the strange over-usage of exclamation points (the 1909 style of punctuation?), the book was worth the time to read.
What an unexpected treat! The twists and turns of the story will have you wondering who the scoundrels and true heroes are right up to the end.
I enjoyed the twists and turns of the story and the melodramatic writing style. It was a fun read.
Romantic mystery in a treasure house in Indiana. Some action and adventure is included with noone getting seriously hurt, and all is merry at the end. However, the merriness appears a bit forced after all that happened, I should say.
I enjoyed this thoroughly. It is sort of a Boy's Own adventure story--lots of action and secrets (including secret passages and tunnels). Lots of fun. I don't want to give away much of the plot, but I heartily recommend it.
Katina Blasingame - A Heartfelt Journey of Love and Second Chances
FEATURED AUTHOR - Katina Blasingame also known as KA Blaze has a passion for writing. Her motto is Dreams are blueprints in creating the future. When Katina is not writing, she is a teacher and life coach helping people all over the world make their goals a reality. Embrace your life's ambitions with the help of a worldwide-published author. Click the follow button here and connect with Katina today.  As our Author of the Day, she tells us all about her book, Waves of Affection.