The Battle of the Strong

The Battle of the Strong
A Romance of Two Kingdoms


(1 Review)
The Battle of the Strong by Gilbert Parker







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The Battle of the Strong
A Romance of Two Kingdoms


(1 Review)
Romantic tale in historical setting. Opens with the battle of Jersey and is continued into the great war between England and France at the close of the eighteenth century.

Book Excerpt

loves that place best which gives him widest prospect.

This day a solitary figure was pacing backwards and forwards upon the cliff edge, stopping now to turn a telescope upon the water and now upon the town. It was a lad of not more than sixteen years, erect, well- poised, having an air of self-reliance, even of command. Yet it was a boyish figure too, and the face was very young, save for the eyes; these were frank but still sophisticated.

The first time he looked towards the town he laughed outright, freely, spontaneously; threw his head back with merriment, and then glued his eye to the glass again. What he had seen was a girl of about five years of age with a man, in La Rue d'Egypte, near the old prison, even then called the Vier Prison. Stooping, the man had kissed the child, and she, indignant, snatching the cap from his head, had thrown it into the stream running through the street. Small wonder that the lad on the hill grinned, for the man who ran to rescue his hat from the stream was none


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