Le Rouge et le noir
Le Rouge et le noir
Chronique du XIXe siècle
Book Excerpt
ur le village.
Il faut savoir que le curé de Verrières vieillard de quatre-vingts ans, mais qui devait à l'air vif de ces montagnes une santé et un caractère de fer, avait le droit de visiter à toute heure la prison, l'hôpital et même le dépôt de mendicité. C'était précisément à six heures du matin que M. Appert qui de Paris était recommandé au curé, avait eu la sagesse d'arriver dans une petite ville curieuse. Aussitôt il était allé au presbytère.
En lisant la lettre que lui écrivait M. le marquis de La Mole, pair de France, et le plus riche propriétaire de la province, le curé Chélan resta pensif.
Je suis vieux et aimé ici, se dit-il enfin à mi-voix ils n'oseraient! Se tournant tout de suite vers le monsieur de Paris, avec des yeux où, malgré le grand âge, brillait
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This is a tragic story about a young man who allows his unchecked vanity and ambition to ultimately destroy him and everyone around him.
This is a story of redemption about a young man whose goodness rises above his ambitions, ending in an act of nobility, allowing those surrounding him to each find what they truly sought.
This is a story of class struggle where a young gifted man struggles with his desire to rise above his station only to ultimately find deception and sorrow while pursuing his too shallow goal.
This is a very fine book I think you will enjoy.
This is a story of redemption about a young man whose goodness rises above his ambitions, ending in an act of nobility, allowing those surrounding him to each find what they truly sought.
This is a story of class struggle where a young gifted man struggles with his desire to rise above his station only to ultimately find deception and sorrow while pursuing his too shallow goal.
This is a very fine book I think you will enjoy.
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