
It is often said that truth is stranger than fiction, but sometimes the two can be almost indistinguishable. In fiction, authors can let their imagination go wild, but there are some non-fiction books that are just as gripping and sometimes even terrifying.
For some famous authors talent definitely runs in the family, but due to pen names it is not always apparent who are related.
One of the most dreaded feelings experienced by readers in the past was the discovery of a long overdue library book. Returning it not only involved the shame of admitting that you forgot all about it, but also sometimes a hefty overdue fine.
While names like Stephen King, Anne Rice and John Grisham are household names these days and associated with their best-selling books, this was not always the case. Even the best writers had to do something to put food on the table while working on their books in their spare time.
We all know the pain when our favorite television show is canceled after only a season or two, but this is something that is even worse in the literary world. George R. R.
An invitation to a group of kids to come and read stories to shelter cats, has literally changed the lives of both the children and the animals in a profound way.
Some authors are never completely satisfied with their work and, were it not for pressure from publishers and fans, could keep working on a book forever.
Writing a book is quite an achievement and most people would be proud to have their name listed as the author. However, there are a few authors who, for various reasons, decided not to use their own names on their books.
Although we all hoped that George R.R. Martin would publish The Winds of Winter before the new season of Game of Thrones begins, this was not meant to be.
Many authors use their imagination to pen tales that take the reader on a journey featuring people, places and objects not found in reality. From the deepest oceans to the furthest reaches of space, these books are filled with the weird and the wonderful.
Diane Merrill Wigginton - Romantic, Suspenseful Page-Turner
FEATURED AUTHOR - Diane Merrill Wigginton was born in Riverside, California in 1963. Her family moved to San Diego near the end of 1970, where she grew up in the newly developed community of Mira Mesa. Spending portions of her summers each year in Burly, Idaho, with her mother's parents, Florence and Orval Merrill, Diane developed a love of animals and a respect for the land. It was during this time on the farm, where she learned to ride horses, herd cattle, and tame wild kittens that Diane developed a love of… Read more