
There can be no doubt about the courage and bravery of women during times when they were not seen as the equals of men. Thankfully, there are now numerous books on the market that document the brave actions of these women.
The Walt Disney Company has built an empire out of animated films and have had a string of hits since they released Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in 1937.
Long before the red planet became a target for unmanned expeditions and remote exploration, Mars has fascinated humanity.
Traditionally, romance novels tend to be set in contemporary times or, if authors prefer something a little more historic, Regency England. However, there is a whole world of free eBooks available that feature other time periods for love to bloom. War is a time of great tragedy and sacrifice, but amidst all the chaos and violence there are still opportunities for love. The six free romance novels below are all set during times of war, placing more obstacles than usual in the paths of the star-crossed lovers.
They say you can’t judge a book by its cover, but what about its title? A good title can instantly pique your interest, give you a clue about the story or set the tone for the book. However, there are also a few books with riveting stories lurking behind a rather unassuming title. While not outright misleading, these book titles don’t exactly capture the imagination or create any type of expectation for their stories. Unfortunately, this also means that often these books are overlooked, especially in the mystery/detective genre where readers are looking for suspense or excitement. To avoid missing out on some good stories simply due to their titles, have a look at the following free books that are much better than their rather mundane titles might suggest.
The horror genre has more than its fair share of authors who are able to keep readers not only entranced but nervously double checking that their doors and windows are locked at night.
Fairy tales existed long before authors, such as the Brothers Grimm and Charles Perrault, compiled the tales into popular volumes.
There is just something about tales of things that go bump in the night that make them appealing to readers who love to send shivers up their own spines.
These days it feels like every pop artist has their own biography by the age of 20, but for something really interesting why not delve into the stories of classic musicians. You might know their music, but how much do you really know about their lives and times.
Avast ye landlubbers! Instead of looking beyond the horizon for treasure, you’ll find a trove of them right here with the following ten pirate themed adventure books. So, batten down the hatches and feast your eyes on this booty of ebooks.