Daniel Jeudy - An Evil Club, a Ruthless Vigilante, a Web of Deception

Daniel Jeudy - An Evil Club, a Ruthless Vigilante, a Web of Deception

Daniel has toured throughout Australia and America with various bands. His first novel, Sons of Brutality, draws heavily on the situations he encountered inside smoke-filled spaces around the world in the 1990s and the criminals he met along the way. As our Author of the Day, he tells us all about his book, Sons of Brutality.

Please give us a short introduction to what Sons of Brutality is about.

Sons of Brutality is a visceral crime thriller for adult readers. The story contains organized crime, a satanic cult, occult murder, and vigilante justice. Featuring some disturbed – and disturbing - characters, SOB will appeal to readers who embrace horror and gore, along with dedicated crime readers who are not deterred by such features.

What inspired you to write about someone who is investigating the murders of two young women in the Hollywood Hills?

There are several reasons why I wrote Sons of Brutality, but my primary goal was to create something that encapsulated the true essence of evil in the world around me. I was bored watching tv shows and reading books where the bad guys are portrayed as noble. Western society has developed this habit of glamorizing all the nasty stuff these people engage in. Romanticizing monsters like Ted Bundy. I wanted to write something authentic where the antagonists were black-hearted right down to the marrow in their bones. No saving graces to be found.

Tell us more about Detective Addison. What makes him so special?

While I have met truly evil people, I’m yet to encounter anyone who is entirely good. One thing that will grab my attention in any story is a protagonist who realistically portrays the human condition. I centered Addison’s development around historical woundedness, personal insecurity, cynical philosophies, coping mechanisms, and an overriding sense of disenchantment. He is deeply flawed with many strong convictions. I hope readers will relate to the dark side of his character.

Why did you pick Los Angeles as the backdrop for your story?

Mainly because of the situations I personally experienced while playing music around Hollywood. It was an enthralling place to work as an artist. It’s just this enormous pool of screenwriters, actors, poets, and musicians. I met some supremely talented individuals in Hollywood, many of whom remain largely unknown. But there is also a seedy underbelly of sharks loitering on the periphery, feeding off the glamour. I encountered an underbelly culture in the Hollywood scene, spending time in the company of some very dangerous individuals. There is a vast chasm between the social classes in Los Angeles, dividing the people in a way I found entirely unsettling. I met so many different characters throughout the music scene, and not just in passing. Gang bangers, drug dealers, celebrities, pimps, prostitutes, a CIA operative, talent agents, UFC fighters, doormen, bagmen, actors, you name it. When I started writing Sons of Brutality, it seemed the only place to set the story.

The story also features a vigilante killer. Why are vigilantes so fascinating?

I think most people have likely fantasized over the concept of revenge while lying in bed at night, but what are the real ramifications of actually going through with it? How far are you willing to go? Vigilante characters appeal to the part in us that longs to don a black cape and terminate bad guys. Who wouldn’t love an opportunity to bring the arm justice down upon evil for a day or two?

Besides writing, what other secret skills do you have?

I played in a band for several years, but I’m pretty much just an ordinary guy.

Readers say the book has a lot of twists and turns. Did you plan it all out before you started writing, or did some of it just "happen" along the way?

I did plan large sections of the book in the initial stages, but each chapter developed a life of its own during the writing process. The plot twists were something I put a lot of thought into, and the refining part is what takes the most time. Whenever an idea randomly popped into my head, I made sure to write it down and paste it into the relevant chapter. If it didn’t work, I just kept the idea stored on my computer for another occasion.

The book is a page-turner, getting readers at the edge of their seats. How did you pull this off?

Most page-turners I have read had had a tight, fast-moving plot and robust characters that kept me invested. I focused a lot of my energy on these two qualities. The most enjoyable part of the entire process for me was creating personalities and voices that are diverse and believable. I wanted every character to be entirely unique.

Why did you decide to involve a Satanic cult in the story?

A combination of real: life encounters and bad dreams, I suppose. Cults and the occult have always creeped me out, and a Satanic cult is the embodiment of such terror.

Tell us more about the cover and how it came about.

The cover was designed by Nanette Backhouse from Saso Creative. After discussing the occult themes throughout the book, Nanette went to work and came up with the artwork. I feel it really captures the feel of the narrative.

Do you have any interesting writing habits? What is an average writing day like for you?

I love writing and make sure I do at least two hours each day. I try to write the opening paragraph of every chapter in the story after developing my plot map, then I set about bringong each one to life.

What are you working on right now?

Right now, I’m fine-tuning the last couple of chapters for the sequel to Sons of Brutality. I’m also putting together a collection of twisted tales by emerging authors from around the world. There are some outstanding writers out there, and I’m super excited about releasing these short stories.

Where can our readers discover more of your work or interact with you?

People can connect with me at
