Michelle Fogle - Immersive Historical Fiction

Michelle Fogle - Immersive Historical Fiction

Michelle Fogle is a masterful historical fiction author who transports readers to the past with her immersive storytelling. With keen attention to detail and impeccable historical research, she brings to life vibrant worlds filled with high stakes and memorable characters. As a former psychotherapist, she delves deep into character’s inner lives, imbuing them with depth a gravitas. Her debut novel City of Liars was named Editor’s Pick for outstanding quality by Publisher’s Weekly Booklife. Her passion for writing began with coursework at the University of California, and finally to a Certificate in Novel Writing. Her aim is not only to entertain, but also to increase awareness, understanding, and inspiration through her writing. Michelle Fogle is a California transplant, presently living in the Inland Northwest. Visit her online at michellefogle-author.com to learn more.

Please give us a short introduction to what City of Liars is about.

City of Liars is about an underground rescue mission to smuggle targets of the Spanish Inquisition to safety by sea. It’s also a forbidden romance that emerges when a young Jewish navigator meets the daughter of his employer, a converso spice merchant who hires him to smuggle his assets out of Spain. By the way, converso is a term used to refer to Jews and Muslims who were forced to convert to Catholicism in the 15th Century. Most people don’t know that is what the Inquisition was all about. They were hunting people they suspected of practicing their original faith in secret, which was heresy, a capital crime

What inspired you to write about a Catholic heiress and a Jewish navigator in a secret alliance?

I think the challenges of interfaith relationships is intriguing by itself. But in this period of time the stakes were very high. Death for him, convent for her. So, the risk makes for high drama.

Why did you pick 15th-century Barcelona as the backdrop for your story?

First of all, it has been neglected by writers. The bulk of historical fiction from this period is either about the Tudors or the Italians, like the Medici. I wanted to take a less common path and illuminate a part of history with which readers are unfamiliar. And the important thing about writing historical fiction is the history. You want to inform as well as entertain.

How much research did this book require from you to make the history part of it ring true?

Massive amounts of research went into this project; everything from authentic names from burial records, navigational technology of the time, ship building, winds and currents in the Mediterranean, Barcelona politics, Latin, Catalan, Hebrew. A lot.

What was the most interesting thing you've discovered during your research?

I studied Folklore in college and have always been fascinated by the legends, superstitions, rituals and customs, etc. I’ve sprinkled those throughout. Perhaps the most interesting is the tradition of wearing a piece of coral at sea to protect against the credevant, the sea witch.

Besides writing, what other secret skills do you have?

I’m a former psychotherapist, in practice for many years before turning to writing full time. That understanding of human behavior informs my character development.


Your characters feel real and relatable. How do you pull this off?

I have intentionally chosen to write in first person present, which I believe gives the reader the most immersive and intimate experience of what the character is thinking and feeling. And it’s hard to take off my therapist hat when I think about character emotions, motivation, and change.

Tell us more about Joachim Déulocresca - what makes him tick?

Joachim grew up as a disenfranchised second-class citizen, not even permitted to live within the city walls. In addition, there are aspects of his origin that he’s ashamed of. The only way to navigate his prejudiced, oppressive world is to use deception. He’s really good at it. But he yearns to be loved and accepted for who he really is. That’s his quest.

What makes Aularia Bautista so special?

Aularia’s parents sequestered her from much of Barcelona society. As a result, she hasn’t internalized the hatred and prejudice of the culture around her. That gives her a more existential code of right and wrong and a deep sense of compassion, which make her willing to take the risks she does.

Why did you title this book "City of Liars"?

Because of the nature of the Barcelona society at this time, everyone operates on deception, hidden agendas, secrets, manipulation to achieve their goals or even survive. There is no separation of church and state, no freedom of religion. So, the hallmark of the romance between Aularia and Joachim is it’s the only place both can be transparent.

What are you working on right now?

The sequel to City of Liars was just released in March, Heirs of the Tide, as part of a series, Lost Tales of Sepharad. It features an edge-of-your seat voyage with Sephardic Jewish corsairs, (another little-known part of history). I have just started the third in series hopefully ready in Spring 2024. I’d like to take the Déulocresca family to the New World.

Where can our readers discover more of your work or interact with you?

Readers can learn more about me on my website and get the latest information, send me a message, and read more about the history at michellefogle-author.com, and they can follow me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/MichelleFogle.Author.

City of Liars
Michelle Fogle

When the Inquisition holds its first public execution in Barcelona, it draws a Catholic heiress and a Jewish navigator into a secret alliance to smuggle would-be targets to safety by sea. As the rescue mission unfolds, a forbidden love blooms between them. Will their heart-stopping escape plan outfox the vicious regime, or will it cost their lives?
