Molly Jebber - Tasteful Amish Historical Romance

Molly Jebber - Tasteful Amish Historical Romance

Molly Jebber is a best-selling and award-winning author. Her Amish Historical Romance books have made Publisher’s Weekly Best Ten List, USA Today, and have been in featured interviews on newspaper sites, and popular magazines across the U.S. She’s a national speaker for Women’s Christian Connection. She has served as a keynote speaker for writing conferences, and as a guest lecturer at libraries & events across the U.S. on writing, publishing, & marketing. She just signed a contract with Sony Pictures/Pureflix to make a movie of LIZA’S SECOND CHANCE. She loves God, her family, and friends. She says yes to cupcakes, and no to coconut! As our Author of the Day, she tells us all about her book, Hannah's Courage.

Please give us a short introduction to what Hannah's Courage is about.

A loaf of fragrant cinnamon bread for breakfast . . . a sweet and creamy custard pie for dessert. In 1912 Ohio, the Amish Charm Bakery has something to delight locals and visiting Englischer alike. And within this warm, welcoming community, there’s always room for love to grow . . .

Hannah Lapp’s life, like a long-cherished recipe, is satisfying just the way it is. She enjoys whipping up desserts at the bakery, tutoring local children, and socializing with dear friends. One of those friends, Timothy Barkman, has made his interest in Hannah clear, but she’s been in no hurry to change her circumstances.

No sooner does she feel ready to grow closer to hard-working, handsome Timothy than Hannah finds she may have waited too long. Charlene Shetler intends to become Timothy’s fraa. It’s little wonder he’s attracted to such a pretty, forthright young woman, but is the newcomer all that she seems? Only when Hannah is willing to confront some difficult truths can she move bravely toward a life of abiding faith and love . . .

What inspired you to write this story? Was there anything in particular that made you want to tackle this?

The bakery was because I love sweets, and it was fun writing about the yummy desserts! Strawberry shortcake, cakes, pies, cookies, and pastries! On a more serious note, sometimes we put important things off, or we take people for granted. I wanted to show the cost of this, but also that we can muster the courage to take chances.

Why did you pick a 1912 Amish community as the backdrop for your story?

I wanted to write in the period when cell phones and computers didn’t exist when writing about the Englischers (non-Amish) who are customers in the bakery and involved with the Amish. Also, I wanted to write about the Englischers in the period of dress (those pretty bustle dresses and big hats) for 1912, and what they do for entertainment.

How much research did this book require from you, what was the most interesting aspect of this research?

I always have to check to make sure I’m following what the Amish and the Englischers (non-Amish) did in 1912, and what was available to them. Also, I like to write about big events and have the sheriff and Dr. Harrison read and discuss in each book they read in the newspaper at breakfast at the bakery.

What did you have the most fun with when creating this book?

I loved Hannah. She wants to do the right thing, but she gets in her own way. She loves her friends and family, and her routine. Taking her out of her comfort zone was fun.

Tell us more about Hannah. What makes her so special?

Hannah is a good friend and gives wise advice to others. She loves working in the bakery. But she can’t make decisions easily. She likes to avoid trouble. I have many heart-wrenching decisions she has to consider throughout the book.

This is book 3 of The Amish Charm Bakery series. Can it be read as a standalone? How do the other books in the series tie in with this one?

Hannah’s Decision can be read as a standalone, as well as the other six books in the Amish Charm Bakery Series. LIZA’S SECOND CHANCE, ELLIE’S REDEMPTION, HANNAH’S COURAGE, MAGDELENA’S CHOICE, MARYANN’S HOPE, AND RACHAEL’S DECISION.

If you read the series, you’ll recognize the Sheriff Williams and Dr. Harrison, who are friends which have breakfast at the bakery each morning. They split the newspaper and discuss topics they’re reading, which allows me to show events happening in 1912 and what Hannah may think of them.

You will also read where friendships develop between the heroines, and how they criticize, advice, defend, laugh, cry, have fun and enjoy each other.

You are a touring speaker for Women's Christian Connection and a guest lecturer for conferences and libraries. How has this influenced your writing?

The readers are the reason I write. They inspire and encourage me so much!!!

I’ve met wonderful people who I wouldn’t have had the pleasure of talking to if I hadn’t spoken. I have been a keynote speaker for So-Cal Writer’s Conference in California, and presented on writing, agent/no agent, publishing, marketing, and on the Amish. Women’s Christian Connection is a personal testimony about my faith in God, and how he’s my forever friend. I talk about my friendships, and how I’ve lost friends for different reasons when they’ve died, and God has been my rock.

Speaking helps me keep up to date on the latest and greatest writing techniques, best and newest marketing promotions and ideas, social media, etc. But meeting the people tops it all!

Readers say that they find your characters very relatable and realistic. How do you pull this off?

I consider myself and my friends and how we react to things in our lives. I don’t write specifically about myself or a friend in mind, just to how we handle difficulties and joys and loss.

Interesting cover. Please tell us more about it.

My publisher does an awesome job on my covers. I tell them how I envision the cover, and they have the creative ability to make it happen! I love them! They hire models and create the actual scene, and then an illustrator draws it! Thank goodness, because if I had to draw it, we’d be in real trouble. I can’t draw stick people!

What do you hope readers will take away from this story?

To have courage in all things. And to show how God never leaves or forsakes us no matter.

Do you have any interesting writing habits? What is an average writing day like for you?

I write early in the morning and late at night, and have fun in the middle of my day. I have to have quiet. No television or music.

What are you working on right now?

Right now, LIZA’S SECOND CHANCE, is being made into a movie by SONY/Pureflix. The writer’s strike has halted it, but it will proceed as soon as it’s over! Pureflix also has first rights to the rest of the books in the Amish Charm Bakery Series, including Hannah’s Courage.

Where can our readers discover more of your work or interact with you?

My website is

Thank you so much for joining me here today!

Hannah's Courage
Molly Jebber

Hannah's kept Timothy at arm's length for too long. Another girl has made her wishes known to him. But she's not who she seems. Hannah isn't sure whether to tell Timothy or not. Then Hannah's offered a teaching position in another Amish community. Her dream come true, if Timothy were included in this plan. Road blocks hit Hannah's life, and she's got some life-altering decisions to make.
