Quinn Avery - Unputdownable Psychological Thriller with Shocking Twist

After publishing over 40 titles in various genres, Quinn Avery finally discovered her love for creating complex puzzles when crafting the smart and quirky Bexley Squires mystery series. Her contemporary suspense thrillers (some of which are set in her favorite haunts, i.e. Mankato and Lake Shetek) are unique and unputdownable, with twists that leave readers’ minds spinning. When Quinn and her husband aren’t out satisfying their wanderlust, they empty-nest between their acreage and lake home in Minnesota. As our Author of the Day, she tells us about her book, "Right Across the Bay."
Please give us a short introduction to what "Right Across the Bay" is about.
Two cousins move in across from each other on the same lake where they spent their summers with their grandmother as young girls. After the body of one cousin is found floating in the lake, their complicated history begins to unfold and several suspects come to light.
What inspired you to write this psychological thriller, and how did you approach crafting the intricate plot and characters?
Six years ago, when my daughter was a senior in high school, she received an assignment in which she had to debate both sides of an intricate subject. We spent hours researching and I became obsessed with this particular subject she chose (no spoilers). I’ve wanted to write something involving that subject ever since. It’s both fascinating and tragic, so I tried to be sensitive and wrote the story as if it was about someone I actually know.
The novel unfolds in a small lake town in southwestern Minnesota, providing a unique setting for the story. How did you use the setting to enhance the atmosphere and tension? Did any real-life locations influence the fictional town?
Lake Shetek and the towns/places mentioned in this book (i.e. Currie, Slayton, Pelican Cove, and Key Largo) are 100% real! In 2000, my family bought a place on the south bay of Lake Shetek, and my husband and I just recently built a new home there. I’ve spent a significant amount of time on Shetek alone while my husband is working, and my mind tends to wander with dark scenarios. We have a running joke with our friends across the bay in which they say to be careful or I’ll put them in one of my books. I threw in names of some of those friends just to mess with them. As with most of my books, none of the names match up with their actual personalities.
The book features multiple points of view and timelines, adding complexity to the storytelling. How did you navigate switching between perspectives and time periods while maintaining suspense and coherence throughout?
I’ve been reading a ton of thrillers lately and love it when there’s a lot going on with multiple characters/timelines. It’s probably due in part to having ADD and needing to stay stimulated. Honestly, switching back and forth was refreshing as each character has their own story to tell. I think weaving little mysteries into each chapter kept the suspense rolling on its own.
Detective Josephine Kelly plays a pivotal role in the murder investigation. What motivated you to create this character, and how did you ensure her sharp instincts and investigative skills were portrayed authentically?
I love reading and writing stories involving a strong female detective/agent/private investigator. I acquired a decent knowledge of general procedures as I worked in several different capacities for many years with lawyers, judges, and law enforcement. I’ve also become good friends with a retired police detective who appreciates my desire to write this genre, and she’ll give me general tips whenever I reach out with questions.
The novel received praise for its fast-paced plot and unexpected twists. How did you pull this off?
At this point, I honestly don’t know. I’m currently working on my 44th book and I guess I’ve created a kind of internal rhythm that seems to work. By the time I near the end of every chapter, I know I have to come up with something that will make my readers want to keep turning the page.
Relationships and secrets are central themes in the book, with characters harboring dark pasts and hidden motives. Why did you take this approach?
At this point, weaving tangled relationships and dark secrets into my stories comes naturally. I think it adds another dimension to the characters and their history. I’m always fascinated in real life when learning someone I’ve known for years was hiding something significant, especially when they appear to be living “the good life.”
The ending of the novel is described as shocking and unexpected by many readers. Without giving away spoilers, how did you approach crafting the conclusion to deliver a satisfying payoff while still leaving readers stunned?
Years and years of reading and writing. I know the formula of a good thriller/mystery pretty well by now, so I made sure it wasn’t anything expected by diehard fans of the genre. I adore unusual movies and books that take me by surprise.
Besides writing, what other secret skills do you have?
I attended the Academy of Art University online over a decade back for photography and graphic design. For several years after, I hired out as a photographer for weddings and portraits. I also became involved in graphic design projects—I still sometimes create book covers for myself and others. I also dabble in just about every craft imaginable. I’m currently learning to crochet and occasionally switch back to macrame or cross-stitch. I use my Cricut and my brother-in-law’s professional CNC machine to make signs. When I was younger, I was a decent piano player—I hope to pick that up again one of these days!
The book tackles sensitive topics such as betrayal, infidelity, and murder. How did you balance these darker themes with the need to keep the story engaging and entertaining for readers?
In the midst of the darkness, the love story between Maxine and Noah and the bond between them is slowly revealed. I think it needed that bit of light to prevent it from getting too sinister and heavy.
Do you have any interesting writing habits? What is an average writing day like for you?
Whenever I get the idea for a new book, I’ll spend an entire day binge-writing (sometimes 12+ hours) and kickstart the story with around 10,000 words. The rest of the time, I try to dedicate mornings to marketing and afternoons to writing. Sometimes it ends up being an entire day consisting of one or the other. It’s pretty rare that I stick to a schedule since our kids live far away and we like to travel often. Plus my husband is a crop farmer, so the spring and fall seasons tend to be too chaotic to get any writing done
What are you working on right now?
I’m preparing to publish The Neighbor’s Dark Past, book #6 in my Bexley Squires mystery series; finishing up a standalone romantic suspense/pirate-hunting novel named All That Sparkles & Shines; and I’m deep into writing another psychological thriller involving Detective Kelly from Right Across the Bay.
Where can our readers discover more of your work or interact with you?
I’m active on both Instagram and Facebook (@authorquinnavery), and try to send at least one newsletter every month ( www.quinnavery.com/subscribe ). My books are currently all available on Kindle Unlimited, and I’m scheduled for several signing events in the upcoming months. Visit www.quinnavery.com for more details!