while it was afflicted with the Plague, in the Year 1720
by Pichatty de Croislainte
with Portions of the Diary, Letters, and Other Remains, of Eliza Southall, Late of Birmingham,…
by Eliza Allen Southall
Wheeler's Corps, Army of Tennessee
by George B. Guild
together with the present government thereof
by Samuel Maverick
by Mary Hartwell Catherwood
The Journals and Correspondence of Major George Simmons, Rifle Brigade, During the Peninsular War…
by George Simmons
Baccalaureate Address, Delivered in Agricultural College Chapel, Sunday June 9, 1901
by John Henry Worst
by Arthur Cheney Train
Wanderings from the Hoang-Ho Yo the Island of Saghalien and the Upper Reaches of The Amur River
by Mary Gaunt
by Augustus de Morgan
A Story of Cherry Court School
by L. T. Meade
by Henry Morley