Tyttökirja Barbro Bertingistä ja hänen tovereistaan
by Elisabeth Kuylenstierna-Wenster
by Väinö Kataja
by Arvid Järnefelt
by Niilo Mantere
by Charles Dickens
Näytelmä viidessä näytöksessä
by Fredrik Berndtson
by Guy de Maupassant
by Maiju Lassila
by Pietari Päivärinta
by Paul von Hindenburg
by Henry Ford
by Rabindranath Tagore
by Kössi Kaatra
Pienempiä kertomuksia
by Kasimir Leino
Tosi kertomus vuodelta 1857 (Ps. 85, 10)
by Oskar Höcker
by Gergely Csiky
Diane Merrill Wigginton - Romantic, Suspenseful Page-Turner
FEATURED AUTHOR - Diane Merrill Wigginton was born in Riverside, California in 1963. Her family moved to San Diego near the end of 1970, where she grew up in the newly developed community of Mira Mesa. Spending portions of her summers each year in Burly, Idaho, with her mother's parents, Florence and Orval Merrill, Diane developed a love of animals and a respect for the land. It was during this time on the farm, where she learned to ride horses, herd cattle, and tame wild kittens that Diane developed a love of… Read more