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OEuvres de C.-F. Volney, tome VIII
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Il Penseroso, Comus, and Lycidas
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Victoria, la mère des camps
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Sieben Studien
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by Georges Ohnet
by Romain Rolland
by Jules Claretie
by chevalier de Paravey Charles Hippolyte
Communication faite en séance du 26 avril 1901
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by Erckmann-Chatrian
by Erckmann-Chatrian
by François Bérenger de la Tour d'Albenas
by Guido da Verona
by Luciano Zùccoli
Joseph P. Macolino - Thrilling Fantasy Filled with Twists, Turns and Philosophy
FEATURED AUTHOR - Husband, father, and seeker of truth, Joseph Macolino has a passion for nature, philosophy, and all things fantasy. A true believer in human potential, he dreams of a future human society where people can truly cooperate and voluntarily exchange ideas, goods, and services. When he’s not writing Evorath, he’s likely outside gardening, spending time watching a show with his family, or reading a book on philosophy. Considering himself a lifelong student of humanity, Joseph enjoys meeting new… Read more