Treasure and Trouble Therewith

Treasure and Trouble Therewith
A Tale of California


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Treasure and Trouble Therewith  by Geraldine Bonner





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Treasure and Trouble Therewith
A Tale of California


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The wild and glowing golden West; a hold-up; a buried treasure; outlaws of the excitingly adventurous type, and something new, too, in the outlaw line in the shape of a Social Pirate; real dyed-in-thewool bandits; miners who delve for the riches of the Earth; dazzlingly beautiful women; youth—and Love, vivid and beautiful.

Book Excerpt

"A few yards over to the right," came the answer, and with it the boat took a sharp turn to the left, nosing along the bank, then stole down a waterway, a crystal channel between ramparts of green. This looped at a right angle, shone with a sudden glaze of sun, slipped into shadow and, rounding a point, an island with a bare, oozy edge came into view.

A deep stroke of the paddle sent the boat forward, its bow burrowing into the mud, and Knapp jumped out and beached it. The place was a small islet, one side clear, a wall of rushes, thick as grass, clothing the other. Over the water line the earth was hard, its surface cracked and flaked by the sun. On this open space lay two battered kerosene oil cans, their tops torn away, and a pile of stones. The hiding place was not a new one and the properties were already prepared.

With a knife and chisel they broke open the box. The money was in small canvas sacks, clean as if never used before and marked with a stenciled "W. F. & Co." They took it out and lo


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