People of Africa

People of Africa


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People of Africa by Edith A. How







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People of Africa


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pital, Cairo, where the Sultan lives, and to other large towns. In all these towns there are hundreds of people, so that a man can only know those who live near him or work with him. Most of them are unknown to one another and are like strangers, although they all live in one town and can all speak Arabic.

5. Life in the Villages

The country-people of Egypt are very poor, and have to work very hard all the year round in their fields. Their houses are built of bricks dried in the sun, plastered together with mud, and the roof is made of plaited palm leaf. Inside there is only one room, which has a big oven made of mud with a flat top on which the father and mother sleep. The work in the fields is very hard, as the ground has to be made fertile by digging canals and ditches all over it to bring the water from the Nile, because, you remember, there is no rain in Egypt. When the Nile begins to fall, the water has to be raised in baskets fastened to a wheel or pole, and thrown on the ground. In order


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Lloyd Lofthouse - Action-Packed Special Ops Military/Political thriller
FEATURED AUTHOR - Lloyd Lofthouse is a US Marine (1965—1968) and combat veteran, living with and managing PTSD. After the Marines, he attended college, where he heard Ray Bradbury speak in 1968. After getting bit by the writing bug, Lloyd earned a BA in journalism and later an MFA. A few years later, he found himself teaching English and writing to middle and high school students (1975 - 2005).