Journal of a Tour into the Interior of Missouri and Arkansaw

Journal of a Tour into the Interior of Missouri and Arkansaw


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Journal of a Tour into the Interior of Missouri and Arkansaw by Henry R. Schoolcraft







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Journal of a Tour into the Interior of Missouri and Arkansaw


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soil rich, and covered with a heavy growth of trees.

Current's River is one of the principal tributaries of Black River, and is a stream of 250 miles in length, and affords, in its whole course, extensive bodies of fertile land. Near its junction with Black River, about 200 miles below, are several settlements, and a ferry is kept ten miles above its mouth, where the Arkansaw road crosses it, and where a town is in contemplation. The waters of this stream are very clear and pure, and ducks are very common upon it. The wild turkey and grey squirrel are also seen on its banks. Five miles beyond Current's, night overtook us, and we encamped on the banks of a creek, near Ashley's salt-petre cave, in a dark, narrow, and lonesome little valley, where the rocks hung in terrific piles above our heads. Course of travelling south-west. Weather mild and smoky. Distance twenty miles.

Thursday, Nov. 12th

We find ourselves in a highly interesting section of country, and which affords some of the most p


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I found this book very interesting. It is a Journal of a travel into the Eastern Ozarks of the new little explored Louisiana Purchase. This journey took place in the winter of 1818-1819 and the two adventurers were ill equipped for there journey and had to survive by there own wits many times. I recommend this book, it allows you to almost step back to an earlier era when the country was new and unexplored.
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