Five Little Peppers at School
Book Excerpt
"Everything's just beautiful this term!" he hummed to himself. And then, in a breathing space he was in his room, and there, well drawn behind the door, was a boy with big eyes. "Hush" he warned.
"What's the matter?" asked David in astonishment, "and where's Joel?"
"Oh, don't speak his name; he's in disgrace. Oh, it's perfectly awful!" The boy huddled up in a heap, and tried to shut the door.
"Who?" cried David, not believing his ears.
"Joel--oh dear! it's perfectly awful!"
"Stop saying it's perfectly awful, Bates, and tell me what's the matter." Davie felt faintish, and sat down on the shoe-box.
Bates shut the door with a clap, and then came to stand over him, letting the whole information out with a rush.
"He's pitched into Jenk--and they've had a fight--and they're all blood--and the old Fox almost got 'em both." Then he shut his mouth suddenly, the whole being told.