Capitola The Madcap

Capitola The Madcap
Part II of the Hidden Hand


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Capitola The Madcap by Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte Southworth





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Capitola The Madcap
Part II of the Hidden Hand


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By all odds the most popular story ever published. We doubt if, in all the range and realm of literature, there has ever been a heroine who could vie with the captivating mad-cap Capitola in exciting the admiration of readers, or in winning and keeping their hearts. She is so bright, so spirited, so beautiful, so sagacious, so dauntless, and yet so innocent and childlike, that she at once takes all readers captive and holds them enchained by her fascinations clear to the last page of the narrative.

Book Excerpt

t! tut! no use in weeping! all will yet be right."

"You have persuaded that man to permit her to remain here, then?" said Marah, gladly.

"Persuaded him! no, nor even undertaken to do so! I never saw him before to-day, yet I would venture to say, from what I have now seen of him, that he never was persuaded by any agent except his own passions and interests, to any act whatever. No, I have endeavored to show him that we have law as well as justice on our side, and even now I am afraid I shall have to take the case before the Orphans' Court before I can convince him. He purposes removing Clara to-morrow morning. I will endeavor to see the Judge of the Orphans' Court to-night, take out a habeas corpus, ordering Le Noir to bring his ward into court, and serve it on him as he passes through Staunton on his way home."

"But is there no way of preventing him from taking Clara away from the house to-morrow morning."

"No good way. No, madam, it is best that all things should be done decently


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