In Shadow of the Glen
In Shadow of the Glen
Book Excerpt
[With interest.] You knew Darcy?
TRAMP Wasn't I the last one heard his living voice in the whole world?
NORA There were great stories of what was heard at that time, but would any one believe the things they do be saying in the glen?
TRAMP It was no lie, lady of the house. . . . I was passing below on a dark night the like of this night, and the sheep were lying under the ditch and every one of them coughing, and choking, like an old man, with the great rain and the fog. Then I heard a thing talking -- queer talk, you wouldn't believe at all, and you out of your dreams, -- and "Merciful God," says I, "if I begin hearing the like of that voice out of the thick mist, I'm destroyed surely." Then I run, and I run, and I run, till I was below in Rathvanna. I got drunk that night, I got drunk in the morning, and drunk the day after, -- I was coming from the races beyond -- and the third day they found Darcy. . . . Then I knew it was himself I was after hearing, and I wasn't afeard any more.
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