The Aziola's Cry: A Novel of the Shelleys

The Aziola's Cry: A Novel of the Shelleys
The Aziola's Cry: A Novel of the Shelleys
Ezra Harker Shaw

Based on the lives of Mary and Percy Shelley, The Aziola’s Cry is a heartrending, lyrical tale of love, defiance, and the power of words.


About the Author

Born in Scotland and now living in London, Dr. Ezra Harker Shaw is a non-binary writer who loves all things Gothic. While earning their PhD, Harker Shaw explored the collaborative writing of Percy Byssche Shelley and Mary Shelley, a project that led them to write The Aziola’s Cry. A celebrated performance poet, Harker Shaw regularly hosts poetry nights in London and was nominated for the Outspoken Prize for Poetry. Harker Shaw has also showcased their talent as a playwright with works such as Tolstoy Tried to Kill My Partner and The Grouchy Octopus Story, both of which were performed in London by the esteemed Pajoda Theatre Co. Possessing a profound passion for teaching, Harker Shaw often conducts university lectures and workshops with aspiring young writers. To further inspire and educate others, Harker Shaw hosts the Meliorist Writes podcast, where they provide valuable writing tips and engage in insightful interviews with fellow creatives.
