Freedom Incorporated
Freedom Incorporated
Corporations control the world, portal technology allows instantaneous travel, and the ultimate in branded living has arrived: microchip implants for all. But the new era, while peaceful on the surface, comes with a staggering price ˆ individual freedom ˆ and not everyone is willing to pay. Jennifer Cameron is the leader of a secret activist cell and hopes to restore personal freedom by destroying the network of spy computers.Dan Sutherland can't let that happen. Charged with bringing Jennifer to justice, he uses his bounty hunting skills to track her down. But Dan isn't her only hunter.Freedom Incorporated charts Jennifer's rebellion against corporate domination, and the way her vision changes the man sent to bring her to justice. Together they discover just how difficult it is to survive in a world where their every movement can be tracked and the whim of powerful people dictates the law.
Book Excerpt
delicate path around them.
"Hands on the wall."
The skin on the back of Adam's hands looked like tissue paper, ready to tear at a moment's notice.
The air reeked - an acrid combination of vomit and excrement that the drizzle only aggravated. Adam spread his legs and let Dan pat his sides for weapons.
Dan pressed the muzzle of his automatic into the small of Adam's back, hard enough to bruise. He grappled with his handcuffs and slapped them around Adam's left wrist. Then, with a twist to the cruel metal that would ensure compliance through pain, he wrenched Adam's arm behind his back and fastened the other half of the cuffs. It was never easy; Dan felt vulnerable working alone. He'd never grown accustomed to it after leaving the force. Only the reassuring click-click-click of secured handcuffs released the tension pent within.
"You're American aren't you?" - Silence - "Aren't you going to read me my rights?" Adam turned to search his captor's face when the tension eased on h
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Profane and perverse. People with morals will skip this one.
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This was a book that tried to do too much. I liked the world and the premise that corporations had essentially taken over all the public and government functions. The bounty hunter plot was nice - who was going to get Jen first? The by the book Dan or the crazy cyborg Raven? The problem was, we had about four other subplots running around as well - some revenge, sex slaves, a conspiracy to hide a technological problem, infighting at Uniforce. It was a bit too much to shoehorn into one story. A fair amount of blood, sex and violence as well.
Easy flow of words for me to read endlessly, whether I'm tired or very awake, I enjoyed his style. Thank You Mr. Tylee
Great near-future thriller about the takeover by mega-companies and globalization. My only warning is there is a very graphic rape scene described by one of the characters. Also, other depictions of gory violence and language. If you can get past this, the story is a rip-roaring page turner.
I found the writing was bad enough that I did not finish it. I kept trying a little bit more but it was too much for me. I don't understand all the good reviews.
Loved it, loved it, loved it.
This is a solid page turner...
Peter, keep writing :)
This is a solid page turner...
Peter, keep writing :)
Read this book last year while I was in Canada. GREAT book! I loved it! Couldn't stop reading once I started - read it in a matter of days. I wish someone would turn it in to a movie!
Very interesting because it is so plausible! It is well-written and fast-paced.
I found it to be an enjoyable read.
Excellent book. New spin on a classic. Kept me interested the entire time. I would recommend this to anyone.
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