Cate Beauman - Epic Second-Chance Romance

Cate Beauman - Epic Second-Chance Romance
Eight Years Gone cover

Cate Beauman is the multi-award-winning, international bestselling author of The Bodyguards of L.A. County series and the Carter Island Trilogy. She is known for her full-length, action-packed romantic suspense and contemporary stories. Cate’s novels have been named Readers’ Favorite Five Star books and have won the Booksellers’ Best Award, Maggie Award for Excellence, the Holt Medallion Award, two-time Aspen Gold Medal, two-time Readers’ Favorite International Gold Medal, three-time Readers’ Favorite International Silver Medal, and the Readers’ Crown Award. Cate makes her home in New Hampshire with her family and their St. Bernards, Bear and Jack.  As our Author of the Day, she tells us about her book, Eight Years Gone.

What inspired you to write Eight Years Gone?

Eight Years Gone went through quite an evolution as I brought the story to life. When I first started telling Grace and Jagger’s story, I had planned to create a romantic suspense novel. Typically, a plot idea comes to me and I create characters who help that plot unfold. In this case, Jagger and Grace grabbed me first. Their chemistry was so intriguing. I knew I wanted to explore the complexities of their dynamic further.

As I tried to mold a romantic suspense plot around Jagger and Grace, it didn’t fit. I had to go back to the drawing board several times until the plot felt true to who they were. It took me nearly two years to get this novel right, which felt daunting at times. But this version is their story. And it’s perfect for who they are as individuals and as a couple.

Why second-chance romance? What drew you to the genre?

I’ve written romantic suspense for many years, so delving into different genres can be a lot of fun. Tragic circumstances separated Jagger and Grace, but their story was far from over. Grace and Jagger have a ton of history, and their chemistry is off the charts. Life pulled this couple apart in the cruelest of ways. It was very enjoyable to pick up their story eight years after a fateful night separated them and help them find their way back to each other.

The book deals with significant time gaps and the evolution of characters over eight years. What challenges did you face in portraying the changes in Jagger and Grace authentically?

Honestly, I didn’t find the time gaps to be much of a challenge. When I create my stories, I make very detailed character sketches and timelines for each character. For this novel, I extended the character sketches and timelines to take each character eight years past the tragic night that tears Jagger and Grace’s relationship apart. I asked myself how the circumstances of that night affected who Jagger and Grace became over those eight years and how those changes affected their new dynamic when fate brings them back together.

I must say that one of my favorite things about telling this story was sharing flashbacks of Grace and Jagger’s life before everything fell apart. I love that I was able to give readers a well-rounded look at past, present, and a few hints at how Jagger and Grace’s future might unfold.

Grace Evans is depicted as strong yet vulnerable. How did you craft her character to make her relatable and compelling to readers?

When I create my characters, I insist that they have flaws and are messy like the rest of us. The same goes for the overall story world. I want to tell a story that gives my readers a break from reality, yet I want to create a version of real life on the pages of my novels.

It’s important that I create stories that could happen. Life isn’t easy. Some days, we triumph, and others are complete disasters. As people, we have our strengths and weaknesses. We’re constantly learning and growing. This is true for Grace, too.

Eight Years Gone Features a richly detailed plot and well-developed characters. What is your process for planning and outlining your novels?

Every novel I write starts with a plot idea. From there, I do a ton of research on different plot points so that I have a solid idea of what I’m talking about. When you know what you’re talking about, it’s easier to bring an idea to life.

As my research helps me deepen my plot, my characters and their story world start forming in my mind. I create deep, detailed character sketches and timelines for each character. Sometimes, their sketches are thirty-plus pages long. As I get a better grasp on how the plot, characters, and their world will intertwine, I develop a loose outline. More often than not, my outline requires numerous adjustments as I start writing. And my story never turns out the way I expect it to. With each draft, I get to know my characters better and have a clearer understanding of how they interact with fellow characters and their environment. They take the story into unexpected territory, which is always surprising and fun.

Do you have any interesting writing habits? What is an average writing day like for you?

I’m afraid I’m a boring writer. Once I start a story, I work on it every day, at least for a little while. My writing day consists of me plunking myself down on my couch with a cup of tea and a large glass of water, turning on some good music, and writing until my brain feels tired.

What are you working on right now?

I just sent my latest manuscript off to my editor. I Loved You First is another second-chance romance that I’m looking forward to sharing with my readers at some point this summer. After I complete the edits and launch this new book into the world, I plan to take a long break and travel with my husband. While we explore new places and experience new things, I’ll be on the lookout for the next plot idea that catches my attention.

Where can our readers discover more of your work or interact with you?

My novels are available on all vendors: Amazon, Apple, Barnes and Noble, etc. I always love to hear from my readers. I spend time on Facebook and Instagram, so come chat with me there!

Eight Years Gone
Cate Beauman

Eight years later, Jagger comes home, and nothing is how it was supposed to be. Dreams were shattered, and trust was broken, but he wants to make things right. He’ll do whatever it takes to fight for Grace, but proving he still loves her won’t be easy. When tragedy befalls Grace again, Jagger can help her pick up the pieces. But can Grace forgive the past?
