Carmen's Messenger

Carmen's Messenger


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Carmen's Messenger by Harold Bindloss







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Carmen's Messenger


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Bindloss has gone back to the Canadian Northwest for the scene of his new novel. From a thrilling cross-country chase over England the story swings to the British Columbia glaciers--and all but ends in an open elevator shaft in a little mountain hotel. A swift story of strong men and women

Book Excerpt

with her father's schemes."

Foster laughed. He liked Carmen Austin and was mildly flattered by the favor she showed him, but thought he knew her well enough not to attach much importance to this. Carmen was clever and ambitious, and would, no doubt, choose a husband who had wealth and influence. Though very young, she was the acknowledged leader of society at the Crossing.

"You needn't be afraid of hurting my feelings," he said. "To some extent I do enjoy Miss Austin's patronage, but I know my drawbacks and don't cherish any foolish hopes. If I did, I believe she'd tactfully nip them in the bud."

"On the whole, I'm pleased to hear it," Featherstone replied. "Now, if you don't mind, there's something I want to read."



Big arc-lamps flared above the railroad track that crossed the yard of the Hulton factory, but except for a yellow glimmer from a few upper windows, the building rose in a huge dark oblong against the sky. The sharp clanging of a loc


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