The Girl From Keller's
The Girl From Keller's
In this vital story of pioneer grit conquering the wilderness, Harold Bindloss has excelled his previous novels of the Northwest. He tells of swift action, and alert men and women turning success into failure in the bracing atmosphere of the Great Northwest. (Published in England under the title Sadie's Conquest.)
Book Excerpt
hrown Bob some favor, which was ominous, because Sadie had generally an object. Of course, if Bob were free and content to marry a girl from the settlement, Sadie would not be a bad choice. She certainly had some virtues. But Bob was not free, and it was unthinkable that a man who had won the love of the girl whose portrait Festing knew should be satisfied with another of Sadie's type.
Then Festing pulled himself up. He could not warn Bob to be cautious, or interfere with the girl's plans, supposing that she had made some. Besides, it was Charnock's affair, not his. By and by he dismissed the matter and thought about a troublesome job that must be undertaken in the morning.
The picnic at Long Lake was an annual function, held as soon as the weather got warm enough, to celebrate the return of spring. Winter is long and tedious on the high Western plains, where the frost is often Arctic and little work
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