The House of the Whispering Pines

The House of the Whispering Pines


(3 Reviews)
The House of the Whispering Pines by Anna Katharine Green







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The House of the Whispering Pines


(3 Reviews)
"So ingenious, plausible, dramatic, and well-thought-out a plot is a relief after the far-fetched absurdities of many tales of the kind. The most austere reader ... will find himself consumed with wonder as to whom the guilty man can be."--The Evening Standard.

Book Excerpt

remain unsettled for an instant. Though she had passed out before my eyes in a drooping, almost agonised condition, not she, dear as she was, and great as were my fears in her regard, was to be sought out first, but the man! The man who was back of all this, possibly back of my disappointment; the man whose work I may have witnessed, but at whose identity I could not even guess.

Leaving the window, I groped my way along the wall until I reached the rack where the man's coat and hat hung. Whether it was my intention to carry them away and hide them, in my anxiety to secure this intruder and hold him to a bitter account for the misery he was causing me, or whether I only meant to satisfy myself that they were the habiliments of a stranger and not those of some sneaking member of the club, is of little importance in the light of the fact which presently burst upon me. The hat and coat were gone. Nothing hung from the rack. The wall was free from end to end. She had taken these articles of male apparel wit

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