Entertaining story very similar to Treasure Island. I enjoyed it but its dated look at Black Slaves of Americas the the African Natives they came from was annoying. Lots of use of the n word. The first third is a little slow to get to the adventures of sea and natives in Africa. It is an exciting adventure tale there like King Solomon's Mines and other adventure stories of this era I have read. A little more respect for the natives would be much more correct than the way the author obviously looked down on them, even though they were protecting their heritage in this case a lot of diamonds in a Kings graveyard.
Overall I give it 3 stars because of its attitudes.
Good short story from one of the masters of Science Fiction. Hero is on a new planet and it is his job to decide whether to make contact with a unknown intelligence or destroy the planet. I think this is part of a series or led to a novel which I read long ago. Theme is identical except the other story line dealt with a human planet that had been out of contact for a long time. Enjoyed this tremendously and highly recommend it.
Enjoyed this story a lot, but I think it helps to be familiar with the early Dr Who's from the early days in 60's before Tom Baker who I feel was the best Dr Who. It goes back in time to the time of Galileo and Shakespeare. Plot is a little hard to believe as they bring in these famous people at the same time. If you are a Dr Who fan this is a great book of an original character. The current series has done at least one show like this where they go back in time and get involved in outlandish plots with them.
I loved this book. I am a big Wodehouse fan. This work is very much like my favorites Bertie Wooster and Jeeves. Archie is a clone for Bertie except he is poor sot who married a very rich girl. He is always bumbling around into one humorous situation after another just like Bertie Wooster. No Jeeves to help him out though, just his good luck and fortune. I think these stories were a precursor to Bertie. I smiled throughout the book and could not stop reading it.
Interesting story that precursors War of the Worlds. It was well done, very suspenseful till the end. I thought it would have made a great Twilight Zone episode. A dealer of unusual items gets an crystal egg from another dead dealer and sees things in it. I enjoyed the story but would have preferred a slightly better ending.
This book by Andre Norton who I like in general was not that well written. Things happened that I was lost on. Characters had mind powers that were not well explained as they weren't the hero's and his powers were confusing to me and him I guess. Still I read it all the way through and could not put it down but I kept wanting something more. It is entertaining reading though and if you like the thought of mind control illusions it might be just your science fiction type of book.
I like some of this authors works alot but could not get into this one at all and gave up reading it after a couple of chapters. It could be that I am just not enough of an internet junkie to really get this one.
Couldn't stop reading this but I thought it was historical not a work of fiction till the last chapters. It reads like a real account of a Uboat commander. I enjoyed it alot.
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Overall I give it 3 stars because of its attitudes.