
The Stagsblood Prince by Gideon Wood is the intriguing beginning to an epic dark gay fantasy trilogy. With a central focus on the agony of loss and redemption, it may be a challenging read with powerful authenticity for those who have struggled with addiction.
People have been looking for meaningful connections since the dawn of time, so it is no surprise that the internet has become another tool to do so.
City of Bridges by Andre Jones has all the elements to please a reader of high fantasy; a richly imagined world populated by intriguing creatures and a troubled heroine on a dangerous
The Hunt for Red October, which was published in 1984, launched the career of Tom Clancy and was also the debut of his most popular character, Jack Ryan.
Atonement is the fittingly titled sequel to God's Coffin and follows Wade Garrison as he leaves everything behind to protect his family.
The search for a new home amongst the stars is not a new concept in science fiction, but Generation 23 deals with it in a refreshingly different way.
These days, fantasy novels tend to be sprawling multi-book affairs that take ages to complete. Even if you do have the time to delve into one of these series, it sometimes takes years for an author to get around to writing the next book that continues the story.
The Dead Don't Drink At Lafitte's, by Seana Kelly, is the second in an engaging, character-driven urban fantasy trilogy.
Spaulding Taylor’s response to the pandemic lockdown blues was to create Last Star Standing, a darkly comical dystopian tale of a future Earth so messed up that coronavirus seems a
The 1957 novel, On the Road, by Jack Kerouac, is considered to be one of the greatest road trip stories ever told.
Joan Hetzler - Clean, Light Whodunits with Plenty of Twists and Turns
FEATURED AUTHOR - Joan Hetzler has been a freelance writer and editor for over twenty-five years. She has worked as a communications writer, newspaper journalist, and a technical writer for software companies. Her creative writing experience includes plays, poems, short stories, humor, memoir, and classic mystery novels. Her stage plays have won awards as well as her memoir writings. For eight years, she produced and hosted The Writers Show, a radio program devoted to writers and their readers at a local college… Read more