
In Around the Cul-de-sac by Christina De Paris readers get to ride along and experience slices of a young Florida girl’s life in the 1990s.
Whether it is material gain or social value, some people can never have enough. Greed has been the downfall of many, so it stands to reason that both art and literature are filled with examples of avarice.
The Bunny Trail, by DJ Tombe, is a warm and surprising story of found family and personal discovery, with an unusual friendship between Michael and Bunny at the center.
With two-thirds of the year already in the rear-view mirror, September is always a month to reflect on what has happened and look forward to what is still to come.
From The Shining to Psycho, there's no shortage of horror novels that take place in hotels and motels. There's just something inherently creepy about checking into out-of-the-way establishments for temporary lodging.
Love for a Deaf Rebel is an intimate and raw memoir of Derrick King’s deep but doomed love for Pearl, a woman who spent a lifetime fighting the known disability of deafness and unacknowledged devil of schizop
There was a time when powers such as telepathy and telekinesis were thought to be genuine paranormal phenomena. However, these types of powers are regarded as pseudoscience in modern times due to a lack of evidence.
Xlina wants nothing more than to live a normal life, but as a dream-eater, that proves to be rather difficult. However, her priorities change when she is marked and bound by a demon. This event causes her to become an unwilling pawn in the infernal game.
As long as monarchy has been around, people have been fascinated with the lives of the royals. History is filled with accounts of the drama, intrigue, and secrets of kings, queens, and their court members.
Fewer rainy days and more sunshine drive many people outdoors during August, but that doesn't mean there's no time for reading. In fact, the lazy days of August are an excellent opportunity to soak up some sun and catch up on a bit of outdoors reading.