
Everyone knows about books that were turned into movies or even movies that were turned into novels, but what about books that simply appeared in movies. Sometimes these books merely appear as props and don’t have any significant meaning, while other times they offer a bit more insight about the character seen reading them. Although not all of the books that are seen in movies are actually real titles, here are a few that featured a little more prominently than just being displayed on a shelf.
From horses to spaceships and everything in between, there is no shortage of transpiration methods in books, no matter when or where they are set.
Modern classics, such as the Harry Potter series and The Da Vinci Code have received many translations, but typically it is older titles that become iconic enough to receive hundreds of translations. Here are just a few examples of books that gained enough popularity in their original language to warrant more than a hundred translations for readers across the globe.
Dragons, the legendary fire-breathing creatures that are so prevalent in myths, have fascinated humanity for ages. Whether it is the reptilian dragons from European stories or the serpentine creatures found in Asian tales, there is no denying their popularity.
There are plenty of gruesome murder mysteries that cater to fans of gritty thrillers, but what if you are in the mood for a little lighter reading?
It is not unusual to see movies or television shows based on books, but they are not the only forms of entertainment to do so. With thousands of active games companies and an increased mainstream appeal the computer and video game industry also generates revenue in the billions. This means that many of the popular franchises, such as Mass Effect, Halo and Star Craft have received novelizations that expand the universe. However, the opposite is also common, with popular books receiving a computer or video game adaptation. This was more common in the early days of the industry when text adventures were very prevalent, but the trend has continued to this day. Here are just X books that made the transition from literature to interactive entertainment.
Thanks to ebooks the traditional barriers to publishing books have begun to fall away, which means greater freedom for authors to write about what they really want. The results are of course mixed, with some great books along with a few that should probably have remained unwritten. One thing is for sure, there are now more books than ever before that deal with a variety of bizarre topics. Discounting the non-fiction titles, which range from toilet etiquette for dates to how to traumatize your children, here are four fiction titles with some rather unique storylines.
The debut of American Gods, the television series based on the popular novel by Neil Gaiman is just around the corner. The show will focus on the adventures of Shadow Moon, a man who ends up assisting the god Odin as he gathers all the old gods living ordinary lives. It is a very unique and interesting premise, but American Gods wasn’t the first novel to feature mythological deities as key characters. Here are 5 books that offer a new spin on the lives of your favorite deities.
From epic fantasy to outer space, there is no limit to the spectacular locations books can transport us. With no visual effects budget to worry about, the only constraints authors have when it comes to the settings for their books is their imagination. While many authors choose familiar backdrops for their stories, there are also a few that choose settings that are so unexpected or unique that they are hard to forget. Here are just a few authors who dared to be different and set their stories in the most unusual settings.
Most protagonists in literature are just a little bit smarter, better looking and luckier than others, which makes them more compelling and interesting characters. However, it can be tricky for authors to create these type of characters and still make them believable. In contrast, there are many others who do the opposite and simply provide their characters with extraordinary powers. This means that they don’t have to come up with all kinds of logical excuses for why their protagonists can pull off any incredible feats. Here are just a few of the characters who were imbued with some incredible unique powers by their authors.
Anna Stuart - Heart-Wrenching WW2 Historical Fiction
FEATURED AUTHOR - Anna Stuart wanted to be an author from the moment she could pick up a pen and was writing boarding-school novels by the age of nine. She made the early mistake of thinking she ought to get a ‘proper job’ and went into Factory Planning—a career that provided her with wonderful experiences, amazing friends, and even a fantastic husband, but didn’t offer much creative scope. When she stopped having children, she took the chance to start the ‘improper job’ of writing.