The Trial
The Trial
Josef K. awakens one morning and, for reasons never revealed, is arrested and subjected to the rigours of the judicial process for an unspecified crime. Translated by David Wyllie.
Book Excerpt
ed a glass of it in place of his breakfast and how he then
took a second glassful in order to give himself courage, the last one
just as a precaution for the unlikely chance it would be needed.
Then he was so startled by a shout to him from the other room that he struck his teeth against the glass. "The supervisor wants to see you!" a voice said. It was only the shout that startled him, this curt, abrupt, military shout, that he would not have expected from the policeman called Franz. In itself, he found the order very welcome. "At last!" he called back, locked the cupboard and, without delay, hurried into the next room. The two policemen were standing there and chased him back into his bedroom as if that were a matter of course. "What d'you think you're doing?" they cried. "Think you're going to see the supervisor dressed in just your shirt, do you? He'd see to it you got a right thumping, and us and all!" "Let go of me for God's sake!" called K., who had already been pushed back as far as his ward
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an ok story. A bit hard to get through at times.
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What more interesting is the novel based on real peploe by author's imaginative restructure of their life in the period of 1933 to 1939. Anna Funda certainly has written it beautifully and very convincing.I've been reading author's Stasiland, a non fiction book published in 2002. It's a recount of history in Stasiland by real peploe as well. I would suggest both books to book lovers regardless you're interested or not in German history.
The father of Franz Kafka was a Jewish-Check merchant who dominated his family with an autocratic temperament and absolutist disposition. Franz was born in Prague, attended the local university and took a doctorate in law. He loved the German language and it's literature and spoke it as his first language even though this was unpopular in Prague. During World War II his three sisters and their families were systematically rounded up, sent to concentration camps and murdered by the Nazi government. Fortunately for Franz he died prior to the beginning of the war. Perhaps had he not he would have been both amused, disgusted and terrified by the representatives of his beloved German language committing such incredible crimes upon he, his family and his people.
Of all Kafka's books this is clearly the greatest. Those who favor the current move to quasi-paternalistic big government may have difficulty discerning the warning of Kafka as expressed in "The Trial". However it is difficult to avoid the terror, confusion, insecurity and complete subjugation of humanity that the book presents. This is the real Catch 22, without humor or redemption.
The Trial presents a great author at his best, I implore you to read it. When I did so in my freshman year of college it changed my life. There is not much in literature that can truly say that.
Of all Kafka's books this is clearly the greatest. Those who favor the current move to quasi-paternalistic big government may have difficulty discerning the warning of Kafka as expressed in "The Trial". However it is difficult to avoid the terror, confusion, insecurity and complete subjugation of humanity that the book presents. This is the real Catch 22, without humor or redemption.
The Trial presents a great author at his best, I implore you to read it. When I did so in my freshman year of college it changed my life. There is not much in literature that can truly say that.
I read this book as a teenager and now I read it now and then- it was on the compulsory reading list and I hope it still is. This book reminds people of what can be done by invigilation and constant surveillance. Download it, get it, pass it on. This is one of the most important books you will ever read.
This book is nightmarish, and scarily relevant to the prison-like environment many politicians want to see. Everyone without exception should read this book though you may well not enjoy the experience you'll never forget its message and it's an important one about freedom. Scarier than any ghost story and as good as 1984.
Read this book today. Kafka was a true literary genius. For me this book is about insecurity, obsession, and a dire warning about the perils of bureaucracy. The whole thing is utterly fantastic and fascinating. One of the greatest works of literature bar none.
And if you are in any way interested in the way Britain seems to be heading into a bureaucratic-manic state these days then you really have to read this prophetic book, because it is in many ways more prophetic than Orwell's 1984
And if you are in any way interested in the way Britain seems to be heading into a bureaucratic-manic state these days then you really have to read this prophetic book, because it is in many ways more prophetic than Orwell's 1984
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