
When it comes to justice, most people believe in letting the law take its course. However, others will only be satisfied if their own hands measure out justice, even if they lack the legal authority to do so.
Relics of Dawn by A.W. Davidson is an intriguing blend of sci-fi, cli-fi, urban myth, and ancient legend that will keep you turning the pages into the wee small hours.
Even as 2021 enters its final stretch and the holidays as well as a brand new year looms on the horizon, our readers still made time to get in some last-minute reading.
Boxing as a sport has been around for a long time, with some of the earliest known depictions dating as far back as the 3rd millennium BC. However, boxing was also frequently outlawed despite its popularity, especially in England and parts of the United States.
In Chasing Time by Thomas Reilly, a loving couple faces the type of news that nobody wants to hear on the cusp of their golden years.
Most people imagine sun, sand, and smiling people at the mention of the Hawaiian Islands. While this is undoubtedly true, there is also a lot more to this tropical island chain.
Breathe Deep and Swim by Jenna Marcus is a beautifully crafted young adult novel by an author with a deep passion for her genre and the clear desire to inspire a love for reading in her audience.
Between the changing leaves and the excitement of Halloween, there's plenty of reasons to love October. But, of course, between all the hustle and bustle of the year drawing to a close, time must still be made to get some reading done.
Parodies have been around for as long as literature existed, and even early Greek philosophical texts were not above using parody to illustrate their points. Parodies typically exist to provide to comment on or criticize prevalent work.
Jennifer Monroe is totally average in every teenage girl way - in the dragon-slaying and energy-wielding warrior ways though - she is extraordinary. Even by the standards of a world where dragons and energy-wielding warriors are fairly normal.