
What was supposed to be a week of harmless pranks to memorialize their last days of school turns into a nightmare for Jon Ryan and his three best friends when petty criminals, local gangsters, and even the Japanese mob become involved.
For many readers, August is the perfect opportunity to catch up on reading before all the hustle and bustle that comes with the final quarter of the year fully sets in.
Bryn still has dreams, even if she had to ship them from UCLA to Las Vegas to save her own life. Case isn’t allowed dreams, he only has his pre-law coursework and a desk waiting for him at the family firm.
Many of the most popular anime shows or Japanese graphic novels are in the “Isekai” genre, which sees the protagonist being reincarnated in another world. However, what many fans might not know is that most of these started out as light novels.
The Second World War was a dark and terrible time in human history filled with plenty of horror.
Vengefully Yours, by J. Rose Black, is a collection of six short stories, with a darkly romantic feel throughout the book.
While some individuals grapple with an unhealthy fear of mirrors, a condition known as Eisotrophobia, even those without this phobia can occasionally experience a sense of unease around these reflective surfaces.
Sons of the Empire opens with a Master Assassin named Caltris completing an assassination, but in an uncharacteristic act, sparing the lives of a woman and her child.
Women in vampire fiction are often portrayed as hapless victims who cannot resist the charms of unread creatures who want to feast on their blood. However, there are also authors who eschew this trope by featuring female vampires as the protagonists of their books.
Many role-playing video games have drawn inspiration from classic fantasy stories, particularly those by J.R.R. Tolkien. However, the LitRPG genre has reversed this trend by featuring fantasy or even science fiction stories with role-playing game elements.
Diane Merrill Wigginton - Romantic, Suspenseful Page-Turner
FEATURED AUTHOR - Diane Merrill Wigginton was born in Riverside, California in 1963. Her family moved to San Diego near the end of 1970, where she grew up in the newly developed community of Mira Mesa. Spending portions of her summers each year in Burly, Idaho, with her mother's parents, Florence and Orval Merrill, Diane developed a love of animals and a respect for the land. It was during this time on the farm, where she learned to ride horses, herd cattle, and tame wild kittens that Diane developed a love of… Read more