
February is the month of love for many people, but there is still some time for a good book or two between all the chocolates and romance. So, for those curious about what stories captivated our readers the most, here are the books of the month for February 2022.
"Knock knock" jokes are a staple of any dad's arsenal and A Knock Knock Joke A Day features over 365 of the best ones. The witty jokes in this book are perfect for both the young and the young at heart.
Braiding Roses by Elise Stoltenbreck is a sweet way to spend half a day lounging by the poolside or an evening soaking in a warm bubble bath with a glass of soft red wine.
Fire is a vital part of life but can also lead to untold damage and destruction if not kept under control. Fortunately, there are many brave firefighters who are always ready to save lives and property that are in danger from fire.
Pettikin is a fast-paced book that wastes no time opening Allie and Andie's eyes to a world they never even knew existed. 
Friendship is not only good for emotional support but also for personal development and a sense of belonging. A good friend can support you through tough times and make life more enjoyable. However, not all friendships are based on mutual respect and trust as they should be.
T.C. Marti’s recipe for Wind Wielder takes a swag of X-Men mutant oppression, a swirl of Harry Potter’s quidditch exuberance, a dose of coming-of-age angst, and cooks everything up in classic Chosen One fantasy territory.
January is a month of new beginnings, and for many of our readers, it meant starting on fresh new books. For others, it was an opportunity to finally get to all the books that might have been overlooked during the hustle and bustle of the festive season.
Linden is a seemingly ordinary mage in training but when war breaks out and her destiny is revealed, she needs to get a handle on her magic if she’s going to save anyone at all.
Elephants are the largest land animals still in existence, but unfortunately, due to loss of habitat as well as poaching, they are endangered. Despite their size, elephants are highly social and very intelligent animals capable of forming strong bonds.