Angel's Guardian

Angel's Guardian
Angel's Guardian
Zeecé Lugo

Romance, suspense, action, and humor are all packed into a fast-paced read that will leave you hungry for more!


About the Author

Zeecé Lugo was born in the tropical island of Puerto Rico, but she grew up in Brooklyn, New York and has since lived in many places. She reads, enjoys the mountains surrounding her home, and writes. Her early love was reading. The worlds of Pern, Middle-earth, St. Mary Mead, and Shrewsbury Abbey had an incredible influence and hold on her imagination. She wrote her first novel in two months, spending long days at her task. During that time, she ensconced herself in her bedroom with her computer, coming out to grab a cup of coffee or a snack. One day, her nearest neighbor came desperately knocking at her bedroom window, afraid that Zeecé might be dead; no one had seen her for days!

Zeecé Lugo