Bringing Ceremony Home

Bringing Ceremony Home
Bringing Ceremony Home
Deanna King

Sacred Ceremony? Why not? This book guides you to create your own personal Ceremony, as well as share like-minded spiritual Travelers. In this book you will be shown how to: *Clarify *Cleanse and honor *Create the Sacred Circle *Craft an Invocation *Connect with Spirit We all need peers along this crazy unmapped journey. Ceremony is effective way to facilitate change and transformation.


About the Author

DEANNA KING is a full time manifesting 5Dpath enthusiast and an eternal optimist for the upcoming higher vibrations of the planet and its inhabitants. Her inspired path as an energy healer and mentor is to assist and facilitate the growth of others on their own soul's journey. Using a combination of practices and modalities, she guides others to their true gifts and authentic expression. She has gratefully been guiding others for over 25 years. Using Ceremony to facilitate change is but one practice an individual can use on the spiritual self empowerment journey. She lives and breathes Law of Attraction (LOA), Human Design, Astrology, Metaphysics and more, all mixed with Divine Energy Alchemy! Deanna is a mother of 2 amazing women, she is an Intuitive, an INFJ, a 6/2 Manifestor, a Blueprinter, a Leo with North node in Gemini and a Starseed. She lives in Colorado, USA where she enjoys creating soul-nourishing and soul-transforming Ceremonies in her own home too.