Closet of Dreams

Closet of Dreams
Mark Ukra and Tara Mesalik MacMahon

Meet a nine-year-old boy named Child who has big dreams-so big, he's actually got a Closet of Dreams in his home! But Child's fears are really big too, and his path is lined with curve balls, especially those spun by class bully, Eddie. Follow along with Child's adventures as he discovers the secret powers of his Closet of Dreams.


About the Author

Tara Mesalik MacMahon, winner of the James Hearst Poetry Prize and author of the award-winning poetry collection "Barefoot Up the Mountain" also co-authors "The Adventures of Child and Gamma," a children’s fiction series, with her brother Mark Ukra. The first book in the series, "Closet of Dreams," is based on these siblings' fantastical adventures in their own childhood Closet of Dreams where Mark was “Child" and Tara was “Gamma" who always says, “When your fears disappear, your dreams appear!" When he was 6, co-author Mark Ukra and his 5-year-old sister Tara huddled at the back of a tiny hallway closet and created a make-believe world based on the love they shared with their amazing grandmother, dog, and stuffed animal friends. In those endless hours in that closet, the siblings' adventures and dreams came to life and their fears disappeared. Now, decades later, the HarperCollins author, together with his sister Tara Mesalik MacMahon, a James Hearst Poetry Prize winning poet, again brings to life the "Closet of Dreams," this time on the page and shared with young readers.