Dawn of the Black Sun

Dawn of the Black Sun
Dawn of the Black Sun
Timo Burnham

A young man steps into a world of, danger, talking swords and martial arts demigods! After tragedy strikes, Ryu sets out to reach the peak of the great mount Gharun where he plans to train with legendary masters of mystical martial arts. The climb is deadly but the journey there will be difficult as well. Ryu must train and rise above his own weakness or he will never reach the peak alive.


About the Author

Timo Burnham has done a wide variety of jobs in his life, from things as different as night security, game tester and acrobatics instructor. From these jobs he's gathered plenty of fascinating material to use in his books. He enjoys both reading and writing fast-paced stories with lots of action, adventure and mystery as well as some drama and romance on the side. Maybe one day he will be able to sit still long enough to write one of those so called "epics", but until then his stories' are lean, mean and straight to the point.

Timo Burnham