Death of a Young Lieutenant

Death of a Young Lieutenant
Death of a Young Lieutenant
B.R. Stateham

Jake Reynolds is an art thief. A master artist who can create an exact replica of any famous canvas, in intricate detail. So precise and elegant is his work that even today, hanging on the walls of the most prestigious museums and art galleries around the world, are some of his brilliant recreations.


About the Author

My name is B.R. Stateham. I am a 72 year-old male with a mind still filled with the wonders and excitement one might find in a fourteen year old boy. I write genre fiction. You name the genre, I’ve probably got a short-story, a novella, or a novel which would fit the description. I’ve been writing for over 50 years. Which, frankly, means very little in reality. Most writers can say the same thing. For a writer, story-telling is something built into one’s psyche. From birth on, a writer was probably telling some kind of story to himself, or anyone close to him. Whether they listened or not.