Future Proof

Future Proof
Future Proof
Sean Platt

Breaking into Xenia Labs, Ru and his team of rebels wanted to steal a code breaker to give the poor access to elite technology. But things go horribly wrong. Two team members are killed, and all the others get away with is a mysterious black box with a count down clock.


About the Author

Sean Platt is an entrepreneur and founder of Sterling & Stone, where he makes stories with his partners, Johnny B. Truant, and David W. Wright, and a family of storytellers. Sean is a highly-prolific author in both fiction and nonfiction, with more than 10 million words under his belt and more than a dozen published collaborations. He brings a rich sense of place, strong pacing, conflict-filled dialogue, powerful twists, and a flair for high-stakes drama to every story he contributes to. He’s known for bringing out the best in whoever he collaborates with, thanks to his generosity, his adaptability, and his philosophy that “the best idea wins.” You’ll see Sean’s work as a co-author with Truant and Wright, and invisibly all throughout the studio. Originally from Long Beach, California, Sean now lives in Austin, Texas with his wife and two children. He has more than his share of nose.
