Lifetimes & Life's Lines

Lifetimes & Life's Lines
Lifetimes & Life's Lines
Kevin Heaton

Lifetimes & Life’s Lines is a collection of poetry by Kevin Heaton featuring poems about people, places, and the great out-of-doors. Kevin is not just an author, but also a retired park ranger, which shines through in his observations of nature. His writing style draws readers into the poems with ease but also leaves them with plenty to reflect on afterward.


About the Author

Kevin Heaton lives and writes in Yucca Valley, Ca. His work has appeared in over 400 print and online journals including: Guernica, Beloit Poetry Journal, Rattle, The Adroit Journal, and Raleigh Review, (search: Kevin Heaton Poems) and has been selected as Best of the net. He is a three-time Pushcart Prize nominee, and is listed as notable among published Kansas poets.
