
Helen Goltz

You are playing a game online; masterminding the perfect crime. Or at least you think it’s a game. A seemingly normal website inviting players to mastermind the perfect crime is the façade for billionaire Lawrence Hackett’s real-life game of Mastermind - an invitation-only competition for a select few - to see who can perform the perfect heist and win an enormous bounty.


About the Author

Growing up in Toowoomba, I was always excited by a trip to the library and the promise of returning home with a collection of books to read. Now, Brisbane-based, grown up and with Postgraduate qualifications in Communications and a major in Literature, I still get excited by the written word ... and a trip to the library.

I like to challenge myself to write a variety of genres. I have tried my hand at crime thrillers (Mastermind, Death by Sugar, Three Parts Truth), non-fiction (No Picnic at Hanging Rock - yet to be released) and historical drama/romance (Autumn Manor), but my writing passion remains with crime thrillers.