
Mooners: a catastrophic comedy*
Tyler Bumpus

Fans of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and classic animated sitcom Futurama will relish this uproarious, irreverent sci-fi adventure filled with wild imagination, unchecked lunacy, and a surprising dose of heart. (*concerning that one time all of Earth perished in flames and the survival of the human race fell into the lap of 300 pretty sketchy a**holes stranded on a broke-a** lunar colony.) 

About the Author

TYLER BUMPUS is a human author from the Sunshine State. Yes, he is indeed the fabled and ghastly ‘Florida Man’ of urban legend and American folklore. When not prowling the swamps and beaches and Wendy’s drive-thrus of his native land, he occasionally writes things: - The brand-spanking-new sci-fi/comedy MOONERS - The Swallowed World Saga, Books One & Two - Awful high-school poetry in a spiral notebook - A scathing fourth-grade book report on Goosebumps: You Can’t Scare Me! (Spoilers: those mud monsters weren’t even real mud monsters! Boo! Lame.) (Two of those classics are sadly out of print.) Presently, he is at work on more Mooners novels for all of your moony needs. Follow him at, as well as a bunch of crappy social medias he barely touches: PEACE!

Katina Blasingame - A Heartfelt Journey of Love and Second Chances
FEATURED AUTHOR - Katina Blasingame also known as KA Blaze has a passion for writing. Her motto is Dreams are blueprints in creating the future. When Katina is not writing, she is a teacher and life coach helping people all over the world make their goals a reality. Embrace your life's ambitions with the help of a worldwide-published author. Click the follow button here and connect with Katina today.  As our Author of the Day, she tells us all about her book, Waves of Affection.