Northern Wolf

Northern Wolf (Northern Wolf Series Book 1)
Northern Wolf
Daniel Greene
Over a year into the Civil War, a wounded young man with no prospects swindles his way into the Army of the Potomac, and along with a host of green recruits is placed into the Michigan Cavalry Brigade. Riding for Gettysburg, they find themselves holding the rear of the Union line and face to face with JEB Stuart and his Invincibles. “Greene has set the bar impossibly high."

About the Author

Daniel is the award-winning author of The End Time Saga and the historical fiction Northern Wolf Series. Whether it’s a saber charge in the American Civil War or a gun battle between two rival bands surviving a hellish landscape, he is known for his ability to embed every page with fast-paced action, thrilling suspense, and gritty realism. He is an avid traveler and physical fitness enthusiast with a deep passion for history. The works of George R.R. Martin, Steven Pressfield, Bernard Cornwell, Robert Jordan, and George Romero, have inspired his work. Although he is a Midwesterner for life, he's lived in Virginia long enough to consider it home. He is a proud member of the Horror Writers Association, the Historical Novel Society, and the Military Writers Society of America. Contact him on his Facebook page: Or his website:

Daniel Greene